Pearson UX Framework
Pearson is an education company that provide educational apps for students and intructors for higher education.  My task was to build a system that provides a unified set of UI, design rules and patterns across all Pearson Higher Ed digital products.
The goal
1. For team of designers to create high-fidelity mockups
2. Simplify ability to create designs that are consistent across all Pearson products.
3. Saving production time for developers and designer.
The challeage
The accessibility: Design to meet Pearson's accessibility standards
The brand: This design system shold be base on existing Pearson brand. Charismatic principles for Pearson’s digital products - Energetic, Inviting and Dynamic.
The responsiveness: All the design components should be scaleable to fit all devices, layout should be designed for all breakpoints.
1. Researching on succeessful design brand and design system

2. By meeting with product stakeholders and designers, outline all the content included in the design system and design the information architecture.

3. Create hi-fidelity designs, and worked through regular visual feedback sessions and design review
4. Create site documentation, and  building component library in Figma/Sketch.
Pearson UI kit 2.1.0
This design system was meant to do more than be a simple style guide or components library. When developed, this guide will deliver efficiencies among products, design, and development teams across the organization, and enhance the customer experience.Dropdown components